Graston Therapy AKA: (IASTT) Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy

Graston therapy (IASTT) is a specialized form of manual therapy offered at Golden Spine Chiropractic to help patients recover from soft tissue injuries more effectively. This technique utilizes precise massage movements using stainless steel instruments to target areas of concern within the body. By breaking down scar tissue and fascial restrictions, Graston therapy aims to enhance the healing process of soft tissues. Dr. Alex expertly applies controlled pressure with these tools during sessions, identifying and addressing tissue dysfunction, which in turn promotes better blood circulation and reduces inflammation. Commonly used to treat various conditions like tendonitis, ligament sprains, muscle strains, and fascial restrictions, Graston therapy is often incorporated into a holistic treatment regimen along with exercises and stretches to optimize recovery and improve mobility. For individuals looking to address soft tissue injuries resulting from trauma, surgical scars, poor posture, or to enhance overall musculoskeletal wellness, Graston therapy can serve as a valuable treatment modality.


Chiropractic Adjustment Techniques


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