Chiropractic Adjustment Techniques
Chiropractic Adjusting Techniques
Chiropractic adjustment techniques are procedures performed by chiropractors to manipulate the spine and musculoskeletal system to alleviate pain, improve function, and promote overall health. Some common adjustment techniques that Dr. Alex Bringmann uses include:
Diversified Technique: This is the most commonly used chiropractic technique, involving manual adjustment of the spine and joints through quick, controlled thrusts to restore proper alignment and mobility.
Activator Method: This technique uses a handheld instrument called an Activator to deliver a gentle impulse force to specific points on the spine or joints, aiming to restore proper alignment without manual manipulation.
Gonstead Technique: This method focuses on precise analysis and adjustment of the spine, using X-rays and palpation to identify misalignments and applying targeted adjustments to restore proper spinal function.
Thompson Technique: Also known as "drop table technique," this method involves the use of a specialized chiropractic table with sections that can be raised and dropped slightly, allowing for gentle adjustments to the spine while minimizing force.
These are just a few examples of the adjustment techniques Dr. Alex uses in the course of chiropractic care at Golden Spine Chiropractic. As many of you may know, He often tailors his approach based on the individual needs and preferences of each patient, as well as the specific condition being treated.